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UPDATE 24th April 2014.The Esotericon and Portals of Chaos has landed!
The Glastonbury Occult Conference & Epoch Book Launch provided an interesting challenge as I had a mind-numbing head cold,……. and no book.
The printers have delayed things yet again because of a backlog and queue of other peoples screwed up and amended publications, however they now promise us delivery of books and cards by 10th April so we should start dispatching them from my depot on about the 14th April to bookshops and individuals.
See for details as they emerge.
Nevertheless the artwork that Matt brought along in both graphic and electronic display form drew gasps of admiration, an auction of a couple of prints from the Portals raised a splendid sum for charity, and the bound proofs of the book at least provided something for readers to thumb through, plus Prof. Ronald Hutton gave a splendid introduction to the work before I delivered my own snot-dribbling ramble about it.
Other highlights of the weekend included meeting the new style OTO at Glastonbury, now projecting a sort of Scientological glamour of suits and haircuts, tight and faultless organisation and fresh Thelemic fervour. A friendly debate entitled ‘Thelema & Chaos’ between myself and Sef Salem will commence on the Blog of Baphomet in a couple of weeks.
No visit to Glastonbury would seem complete without a night spent at The Covenstead B&B, a veritable museum of rare, exotic, and downright strange esoteric artefacts from many traditions and cultures, particularly witchcraft. Followed by breakfast in its Illuminati style dining room served by the host, the extraordinary Adele.
And just in case the recent minor flurry of excitement about cosmic inflation has got anyone worried I append this.
The recent announcement of the detection of anisotropies in the polarisation of the cosmic microwave background radiation by the BICEP 2 group hardly merits all the hyperbole that it confirms the principle of cosmic inflation which exists only as a phlogiston-like repair patch on the questionable 'Big-Bang' theory, and that somebody deserves a Nobel for it.
Along with an inflaton field, the BB theory also requires dark matter and dark energy to keep it afloat and we seem to have no credible mechanism or other observational evidence for these seemingly imaginary phenomena.
The anisotropies in the CMBR seem equally consistent with the hypothesis that the CMBR consists of trans-antipodal starlight that has become redshifted by the small positive curvature of a hyperspherical universe finite and unbounded in both space and time, and that the anisotropies do not represent the 'seeds' of galaxies yet to form after a big bang, but rather that they represent the heavily redshifted traces of galaxies that already existed to emit what we now observe as the CMBR.
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UPDATE 24th April 2014.The Esotericon and Portals of Chaos has landed!
Herewith a bit more detail on its contents: -
The Esotericon & Portals of Chaos. By Peter Carroll and Matt Kaybryn.
This superbly produced large hardbound book, 212 pages, 240mm x 270mm contains extensive text by Peter J Carroll and over 50 large full colour illustrations from Matt Kaybryn. Carroll’s text begins with a historical resume of magical and esoteric thought, where it came from and where it may go, and then it moves on to the presentation of three complete grimoires.
The first grimoire of Elemental magic deals with modern practical magical techniques and the classical and modern interpretations of the traditional elemental symbolism.
The second grimoire of Planetary magic deals with the Pagan and Neo-Pagan magical archetypes or ‘god-forms’, their contemporary roles in the human condition, and how the magician can access them for their inspiration and to borrow their abilities.
The third grimoire of Stellar magic deals with the ‘Elder Gods’, those foci of awesome and dangerous extraterrestrial knowledge and power that await us in the vast deep reaches of the cosmos. It constitutes the latest upgrade to the ever evolving Necronomicon.
Various other chapters deal with the history of symbolism, the creation and / or the evolution of gods and goddesses, and the physics of parapsychology and extraterrestrial communication. All in all this book contains enough to keep any wizard, magician, esotericist or natural philosopher entranced and busy for quite a while. A fuller description of the contents of the book appears below**.
The Portals of Chaos. By Matt Kaybryn and Peter J Carroll.
The Portals of Chaos consists of a deck of fifty four large 230mm x 143mm full colour altarpiece sized cards created by Matt Kaybryn working in conjunction with Peter J Carroll. Unlike conventional Tarot decks, these larger cards which resume all the Elemental, Planetary and Elder God forms in the Esotericon book, have extensive uses in Invocation, Enchantment, Evocation, and Illumination as well as in Divination. Matt spent thousands of hours creating these images using high technology combined with meditation, invocation, and great artistic skill. Some have said that the result makes the Lindisfarne Gospels or the Sistine Chapel look rather dull by comparison. A fuller description of the contents of the card deck appears below*.
**EPOCH - The Contents of The Book
The Esotericon & Portals of Chaos. By Peter Carroll and Matt Kaybryn.
Contents, Dedications, Prologue.
Ch 1 Introduction to The Esotericon and Portals of Chaos.
Magic over the Aeons, Elemental, Planetary, & Stellar Magic. – An examination of the origins of the esoteric and magical traditions in late classical antiquity and their revivals in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, followed by an analysis of current and possible future developments, with mentions of the known seminal philosophers and magicians involved.
Ch 2 The Portals of Chaos Deck.
Tarot History. - The Tarot has a history quite different to that which many magicians think.
The uses of the Portals Deck. – Not just for Divination, but as a more extensive toolkit for Evocation, Enchantment, Invocation, and Illumination as well.
The Esotericon Tree, Chaobala. – The Tree of Life (& Death) upgraded with wider cosmological perspectives than previously available to the wizards and natural philosophers of the past.
Ch 3 Elemental and Elementary Magic. The 1st Grimoire.
The Realm of the Elements and a Basic Magical Primer. – The origins of the ideas of the four (or five) classical elements and modern interpretations and extensions of these ideas, plus how to do practical magic, explained in the simplest terms.
Baphomet. – A modern conception of ‘The Spirit of the Earth’, the Egregore of this our home planet, and its development from Shamanic times to the present Aeon.
Ch 4 Theometry & Aeonics.
A History of the Gods and Paradigm Shifts. – The co-evolution of humanity and its gods and goddesses and its archetypes and philosophies, and the directions in which we have, and in which we may well take each other.
Ch 5 Planetary Magic.The 2nd Grimoire.
The Planetary and Bi-Planetary God-Forms. – A Pantheon of 36 ‘god-forms’ drawn from many sources and cultures to create a more complete neo-pagan psycho-cosmology of the human condition for the 21st century.
Ch 6 Cosmology.
Strange Physics Interlude 1. Alien Life & The Perfect Cosmological Principle. – The universe now looks immensely larger than all but a few ever suspected, and it contains vast numbers of sources of higher intelligence.
Ch 7 Omnality.
Strange Physics Interlude 2. Quantum Omnality in a Non-Local Universe. – An examination of some cutting edge quantum hypotheses which suggest that the higher knowledge of advanced alien intelligence remains potentially available to us.
Ch 8 Stellar Magic.The 3rd Grimoire.
Stellar Metaphysics. Necronomicon Prologue. Necronomicon Commentary. The Necronomicon. – A Chaos Magic based approach to accessing the awesome and potentially terrible knowledge and power held by Alien Entities which appear to us as The Elder Gods.
1) Alien Elements. – An example of how some Alien Intelligences conceptualize basic reality in a self-consistent manner that looks rather different to ours.
2) Elements, Geomancy, Planets. – An upgrade to traditional Geomancy to include the whole solar system and beyond.
3) The Hypersphere Equation. An addendum to The Octavo. – Apophenia appears to have withheld this simple, beautiful, and elegant solution as some sort of a reward for finishing THIS work – She seems a tease as well as a Muse.
4) The Joy of Texts. A humorous poem by Ronald Hutton. A sort of banishing by laughter. – Simply so good we had to put it in.
Endpieces. – Platonic-Pagan-Monotheism or Quantum-Neo-Paganism?
References. – Some other seminal works you should read if you haven’t already done so.
Dramatis Personae. – Notes on the lives and works of Bruno, Mathers, Crowley, Lovecraft, Grant, Carroll, and Kaybryn.
Afterword. – The futures.
*The contents of the Portals of Chaos card deck.
The Portals of Chaos. By Matt Kaybryn and Peter J Carroll.
Fifty four cards, plus a title card, resuming images of the following Elemental, Planetary and Bi-planetary, and Elder god forms: -
The Elemental forms
The ‘Archangels’ of Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Aether.
The Planetary and Bi-Planetary forms
Ouranos, Odin, Ma'at,Athena, Lucifer, Apophenia, Thoth, Isis, Saturn, Osiris, Choronzon, BaronSamedhi, Kali, Anubis, Hecate, Jupiter, Thor, JHVH, Juno, Vulcan, Dionysus, Mars, Horus, Eris, Loki, Ishtar-Astarte, Sol, BVG & Child,
Bob-Legba, Asherath, Venus, Pandora, Babalon, Mercury, Pareidolia, Luna.
The Elder God forms, an Evocation form and an Invocation form for each
Nyarlathotep, Cthulhu, Shub-Niggurath, Hastur, Yog-Sothoth, Azathoth.
Have a look at the Epoch post 3 blogs back for more details of launch.
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Things which may or may not happen in 2014.
Some musings on a wet bank holiday New Year’s Day.
January. World Future Energy Summit, Abu Dhabi. Delegates decide to burn the whole lot, oil, coal, shale, fracked gas, tar sands, methane hydrates, you name it, it’s all going on the global pyre now.*
March. Epoch launched in Glastonbury UK. The advent of the Quantum-Neo-Pagan paradigm and the phenomenisation of the Necronomicon therein initiates a worldwide esoteric and metaphysical upheaval.
May. European ‘Parliament’ elections and local elections in the UK. The United Kingdom Independence Party wins all the seats. The Illiberal Dimocrat-Tory coalition collapses after a vote of no-confidence. UKIP wins a snap general election. Nigel Farage summoned to the palace. Britain quits the EU. Tobacco taxes reduced to sane levels. Smoking restored to pubs. The nation at last seems at peace with itself (except in Scotland and Northern Ireland of course), but fat people become the new social pariahs.
June. *IPCC Fifth Assessment Report on climate change is scheduled to be published. But all available venues now lie underwater.
September. The Scottish independence referendum narrowly passes. Forty two percent of people in Scotland refuse to give up British citizenship. King Alexander the First closes the border to prevent a mass exodus and a refugee crisis. A huge mob levels the ghastly Scottish Parliament building. The Rifles Brigade secures Glasgow and the Faslane submarine base. First Armoured Brigade takes Edinburgh and corners the rebels on Culloden Moor. Alex Salmond taken in chains to Tyburn Hill in London and pelted with rotten haggis for high treason. A new more modest Scottish assembly sensibly decides to raise the voting age to 25.
October. Islamic New Year, and for them it’s only 1436. In our 1436 Vlad Dracul became Duke of Wallachia. Assad or someone worse will probably remain in power in Syria.
November. EU Court of Auditors presents its audit of EU accounts for 2013. Billions missing as usual. German patience finally cracks and it forms a new EU consisting of just East and West Germany. Belgium finally abolished to everyone’s relief, with half going to France and half to The Netherlands. A semblance of Democracy finally restored to Europe.
We live in interesting times. Happy New Year.

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UPDATE 24th April 2014.The Esotericon and Portals of Chaos has landed!
To celebrate the Midwinter Solstice Matt Kaybryn and I have released into the public domain the website for the forthcoming Esotericon and Portals of Chaos which we will publish early in 2014. Try the link: -
Our four years of Herculean labour nears completion, we have found a printer of sufficiently high quality to do justice to the artwork in the Esotericon and in the accompanying Portals deck of altarpiece sized cards.
The contents appear here: -
Two additional appendices will also appear giving the geomantic key to the Octaris and an addendum to The Octavo.
We shall also make the work available through specialist esoteric bookshops and online. Details to follow.
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Seasonal greetings, good tidings I bring, the end is not nigh............ not ever!
Note correction to the third Equation 16/1/14
The state of the universe has bothered me for some time, according to the majority view its full of black holes and every black hole will eventually develop a singularity in its core and these will eventually gobble up everything and either coalesce into one big one or slowly drift apart forever, either way it looks like curtains for all life eventually if singularities form. Anything falling into a singularity gets pulped down to zero size. A nasty end for life the universe and everything.
However conventional theorists seem to have ignored the radius excess which develops inside massive objects. The formula for radius excess comes from Feynman's work on Einstein's General relativity, it appears as the second equation here. It makes things bigger on the inside than on the outside like Dr Who's Tardis. However we only tend to notice the effect for very massive objects.
From this second equation I derive the third, which gives the radius of a hypersphere for any mass. An object meets the hypersphere (3-sphere) condition when the radius excess makes the internal radius swell to one quarter of the external circumference. the formula gives the external radius and it comes out at about one third of the event horizon or Schwarzchild radius, see the first equation.
Now a hypersphere will resist any further implosion under its own gravity as its angular velocity already equals lightspeed according to my neo-Gödelian formula for its vorticitation ('rotation' through its fourth dimension), see the fourth equation.
It doesn't matter too much at first if you fall into a black hole if its a really huge one that doesn't curve spacetime too sharply, the problems start when you begin to fall into a central singularity.
However the third equation shows that black holes will actually contain hyperspheres not singularities, and it doesn't matter if your planet or spaceship falls into one of these so long as its sufficiently huge not to give rise to the sort of spacetime curvature that would shred matter near a singularity or a small black hole.
In fact our universe consists of just such a very huge hypersphere with a correspondingly gentle spacetime curvature that we barely notice on the small scale.
Thus the universe cannot end in singularities (and neither did it begin with one, buts that's another story I've told elsewhere).
So DO NOT PANIC, black holes will form, but without singularities. If life can keep itself out of the way of the smaller ones and wait till a really vast one becomes available to enter then it can survive indefinitely for hyperspheres will eventually merge into ever vaster ones refreshing the universe by becoming the universe.
Well I hope that cheers everyone up this season, my apologies to Penrose and Hawking for destroying the singularity theorem, but they really should have taken Feynman's radius excess into account.
Merry Xmas.