Saturday, 27 July 2013 13:54

A Fistful of Wands

A Fistful of Wands.

To celebrate the completion of the Esotericon text I took the three wands used in the creation of the Elemental, Planetary and Stellar Grimoires out for a photoshot in the gardens. Whilst the temple at Chateaux Chaos contains a fine selection of staff length wands for all purposes these pocket wands have proved particularly portable and versatile.

Matt Kabryn, the artist who creates the accompanying Portals deck, and the illustrations and the general presentation of EPOCH, the forthcoming Esotericon and Portals of Chaos, will visit from NZ soon and we shall finalise the whole thing for publication, hopefully towards the end of this year. Just a few images await completion now.

This epic project has taken about 3 years, thousands of email exchanges between the planets antipodes and the resources of a department of Arcanorium College.

Part of the text concerns the replacement of the PPM (Platonic-Pagan-Monotheist) esoteric metaphysical paradigm which has dominated the last two millennia with a QNP (Quantum-Neo-Pagan) esoteric metaphysical paradigm.

Theoretically this QNP paradigm could lead to a rapprochement between religion and science and between one religion and another, but only if both science and religion abandoned some of their more grandiose and unfulfilled conceits and pretentions.

EPOCH will probably appear in electronic and perhaps i-phone app form in due course, but we have concentrated on creating it as a physical book and as a work of art, for we have only limited confidence in the ability of our civilisation to sustain electronic media for the next half century…………….

… might like to have a look at this, or perhaps you wouldn’t………

Because of human induced global warming the methane may soon start bubbling up from Antarctica in earnest causing planetary climatic catastrophe.


Forget about fracking or any other form of fossil fuel use, we should have shut down the oil and coal and gas industries and stopped burning the stuff completely by about yesterday.

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