Tuesday, 11 June 2013 13:52


UPDATE 24th April 2014.The Esotericon and Portals of Chaos has landed!



Epoch nears completion. It will likely consist of The Portals of Chaos, comprising a deck of about 55 book size cards designed primarily as altarpieces for Evocation and Invocation, but applicable to divination if desired, plus the Esotericon, a book with probably the following texts and b/w copies of the Portals images for ready reference. Parts of it may also appear as an i-phone app for those who like techno-stuff. For those who don't we have kept the equations down to just a single linear one, and expressed some of the more challenging magical concepts in words, pictures, and diagrams alone.

The Esotericon & Portals of Chaos. by Peter Carroll and Matt Kabryn.

Contents, Dedications, Prologue.

Ch 1 Introduction to The Esotericon and Portals of Chaos.

Magic over the Aeons, Elemental, Planetary, & Stellar Magic.

Ch 2 The Portals of Chaos Deck.

Tarot History. The uses of the Portals Deck.

The Esotericon Tree, Chaobala.

Ch 3 Elemental and Elementary Magic. The 1st Grimoire.

The Realm of the Elements and a Basic Magical Primer.


Ch 4 Theometry & Aeonics.

A History of the Gods and Paradigm Shifts.

Ch 5 Planetary Magic.The 2nd Grimoire.

The Planetary and Bi-Planetary God-Forms.

Ch 6 Cosmology.

Strange Physics Interlude 1. Alien Life & The Perfect Cosmological Principle.

Ch 7 Omnality.

Strange Physics Interlude 2. Quantum Omnality in a Non-Local Universe.

Ch 8 Stellar Magic.The 3rd Grimoire.

Stellar Metaphysics. Necronomicon Prologue. Necronomicon Commentary. The Necronomicon.


1) Alien Elements.

2) The Joy of Texts. A humorous poem by Ronald Hutton. A sort of banishing by laughter.


Afterword, Glossary, References, Index.


And on a lighter note, Toadmass update; my naturalist friends inform me that most of the inhabitants of my pond at châteaux chaos look like toadpoles. As their grazing clears the depths it becomes apparent we may have in excess of 20,000 this year. If significant numbers make it to adulthood and they decide to act in concert and jump a car I guess they could squash it between them.

Arcanorium College currently undergoes a substantial rebuilding program which will add many new facilities for Staff and Alumni, details of Semester 6 to follow in the next post here.

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