Thursday, 10 January 2013 13:35


Having recieved initiation into the most august of western esotericism's linneages on my birthday at full moon in the year of my second saturn return, I feel imbued with sufficient MacGregorian zeal and fire to avenge the theft of Liber 777 by bringing the middlebrow victorian misogynist neo-satanism of the aeon of the crowned and conquering spoilt brat to a belated close in its 108th year. The TW belief has never given good results in my view, and I have opposed it throughout my career. Later in the year I shall take the opportunity afforded by a visit to Loch Ness to close the relevant demon gate, doing my bit to make 2012 a year of seminal changes, hopefully for the better.

The Esotericon & Portals of Chaos project proceeds apace with the first 13 items of artwork and the initial chapter nearing completion.

To prevent further imposture and mistaken identity I may exhibit the above item, fashiond by my own hand, upon request to serious enquirers to confirm my identity, the grain structure visible even at this resolution should prove more difficult to forge than any signature or fingerprint.


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