Friday, 16 September 2011 21:28


As you may know, I hold the chair in The Department of Sorcery and Alternative Science at Arcanorium College, www.arcanoriumcollege.comand also act as the Chancellor of the college.

Thus on behalf of the Staff,  I proudly announce the program for the forthcoming first semester of our 6th year. Membership of the College entitles participants to access to all courses, the common rooms and bar, and the extensive library, plus our ever more vast archives. If you want to participate in the creation of magic in the 21st century and to find out where it came from and where it may go, you have come to the right place.


Arcanorium College Year 6, 2011 - 2012.

Semester 1, September 19th - October 28th.

Lecturer: Hyperritual, Course: Automagica Theoretica.

In this six-week course we will consider a theory of automagic devices from the perspective of automatic machines. There will be reading assignments and much reflection and discussion. We will attempt to sort out some models by which we can construct automagic devices either individually or as part of future courses (Automagica Practica) in the Dept of Magical Computing / Magical Computer Lab.

Lecturer: Al, Course: Seventeenth Century Magic.

This course takes an in-depth look at the 17thC magical worldview and its principles and practitioners and their magical workings, and it will involve practical work with various forms of Geomancy both traditional and modern.

Read 18851 times Last modified on Monday, 28 July 2014 16:54