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Julblog 2022
Interview with a Wizard. Ian Blumberg-Enge interviews Peter J Carroll.
A book so extraordinary that the publisher brought it out simultaneously in both softback and hardback! (It seems destined to become collectable by magicians, occult historians, and physicists.)
Seventy years in the making! (Dated from the conception of the author.)
Two years in the writing! (During covid lockdown on a remote Welsh beach.)
The stuff that works - in Magic, Life, the Universe, and Everything! (Plus, some observations on what doesn’t.)
An extraordinary life of exploration and death defying adventures!
Three hundred and sixty five questions on a vast array of topics, the last of which attracts a twenty page reply!
The origins of Chaos Magic revealed!
The strange activities of a certain Magical Order, the goodies, and the baddies!
The Secret of the Universe unveiled! (Well at least the biggest one.)
From the Gardens of Chateaux Chaos
Whilst the three Autumnal Mandrakes sleep the summer away in their giant pot in the main greenhouse, attention turns to the amphibians in the refurbished pond. The frogs and toads and newts do great service in the gardens, controlling the slugs and bugs that menace the Memsahib’s collections of exotic blooms. The addition, over winter, of 26 tons of rubble to re-level the pond probably didn’t do the amphibians any favours, so to make up for a possible lack of water bugs, small chunks of meat were thrown in as the tadpoles and toadpoles entered carnivore mode. This initiated extraordinary feeding frenzies and revealed that the new water weeds had concealed hundreds more of our amphibian friends than expected.
Something I did not write and have not read.
I did not write this, nor have I read it and I probably won’t. It’s a kids book that a correspondent brought to my attention. Nevertheless, it seems amusing that art imitates life, as the wizard Peter Carroll and his wizard friend Charlie (Charly Brewster?) fight an evil wizard called Herbert (Helmut?) who has an army of robots (brainwashed acolytes?). Morphic fields strike again!
A couple of items seem worth repeating: -
Hypersphere Cosmology Prediction. (From Feblog 2022)
The so-called ‘Cosmic Dark Ages’ did not occur. According to conventional LCDM big bang cosmology, a gap should exist between the CMBR and the light from the ‘earliest’ stars and galaxies. Hypersphere cosmology predicts that galaxies with redshifts all the way to CMBR levels will exist. The James Webb space telescope may hopefully prove capable of observing this.
Keep up the magical assault on Putin. His campaign falters into costly attrition, opposition to his tyrannical schemes grows constantly stronger and better supported.
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- Hits: 6044
Junblog 2022
Herewith the new Classic Edition of Liber Null & Psychonaut from the American publishers of the first combined edition.
The texts have remained in continuous print for four decades - and no wonder because this manuscript does for Magic what Newton’s Principia Mathematica did for physics and what Darwin’s Origin of Species did for biology. It created a Paradigm Shift and a unification.
In the tradition initiated by Eliphas Levi, MacGregor Mathers of the Golden Dawn, Aleister Crowley, and Austin Osman Spare, it presents Magic as a psychological and parapsychological science, rather than as an epiphenomenon of religious ideas and practices.
Liber Null - Book Zero – represents a complete restart for the art of Magic and it has heavily influenced most subsequent magical theory and practise and most subsequently written books on the subject. It shows the underlying unity of magical technology in everything from Shamanism, Tantra, Hermetics, Goetia, and Witchcraft, to free form do it yourself Sorcery.
This new Classic edition contains an upgraded section on magical history, suggestions for a Jupiterian/Blue magic ritual and an additional essay on Chaos Theory and Magic.
See: -
Herewith a billion dollar idea for free as it doesn’t seem patentable: -
Perhaps we have the idea of driverless vehicles the wrong way around.
We shall probably never manage to endow AI with sufficient ‘common sense’ to have confidence in computer controlled vehicles. However, in many situations we would prefer not to have the driver physically present in the vehicle. Human drivers already exist in plentiful supply. We can already pilot drones and military equipment remotely.
Imagine trucks that could drive continuously across continental America or from Europe to Eastern Turkey with changes of remote driver every 6 hours. Imagine driving a train from London to Glasgow and sleeping in your own bed in Bristol. Imagine driving a taxi from your own spare room.
Ongoing Works
Interview with a Wizard (Ian Blumberg and me), this new book seems almost ready to roll off the presses. In addition to 365 interview questions, it contains The Occultaris Part 1, Cosmology.
The titanic struggle to create The Occultaris Part 2, Quanta, continues at Arcanorium College. An epistemological physicist now collaborates.
Lithonian Fleet
Herewith the Draako, the oldest and the newest addition to the Lithonian fleet. It set off some 500 years ago as a commerce raiding privateer but whilst trying to outrun alien naval vessels it strayed too close to the lightspeed limit and warped itself centuries into its own future in a few moments. Returning to the metal poor world of Lithonia with a valuable cargo of molybdenum and radionucleotides the crew sold the ship to the Lithonian admiralty. Refitted with modern turrets and missiles it now serves as a reserve frigate.
In the background see the Mozka, a semi-obsolete battlecruiser, its decks crowded with heavy missiles. ‘Two hits and that’s toast’, as one naval analyst opined. And on that note don’t forget this: -
Enchant long, it may yet take a while yet, but the evil despot will eventually fall.
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- Hits: 6185
Mayblog 2022
Operation Unthinkable.
With Nazi tyranny defeated, Winston Churchill commissioned a study into the feasibility of driving Russian tyranny out of Eastern Europe as WW2 drew to a close. Churchill’s generals concluded that ‘Operation Unthinkable’ didn’t look feasible at the time, at least not without massive American support and widespread use of WMDs. Consequently, Eastern Europe seemed condemned to suffer under Russian tyranny for some while.
The Russian system of tyranny derives from the feudalism of the Middle Ages. In the disastrous Russian Revolution, the fiefdoms of the feudal Tzars became the fiefdoms of a middle class led urban political party waving a communist banner. Tyranny and corruption continued as normal under different overlords, democracy never got a look in. Tyranny and corruption meant that Russia, and the satellite states it annexed, never prospered economically despite the huge natural resources and populations available. Far too much became spent on militarism and the state apparatus of repression that maintained the regime. When the Soviet System finally imploded towards the end of the 1980s, Russia missed its chance to join the community of civilised democratic European nations. Instead, the thuggish Vladimir Putin managed to completely recreate feudalism with himself as monarch and dictator and a whole new class of oligarchs and kleptocrats as his henchmen and barons.
Operation Unthinkable now seems distinctly possible. If the free world can remain firm against Putin’s threats, and if it can bear the consequences of comprehensively sanctioning Russia, and if it can keep supplying the heroic Ukrainians with ever better weaponry, then Russia will retreat in defeat.
If you have any psi-skills at all, consider contributing to the ongoing efforts of the free world’s wizards and witches to unseat the Russian tyrant: -
The people of Russia and Belarus may yet depose their dictatorships and the struggle against tyranny in Europe will have finally succeeded after many bloody centuries.
That will just leave China as the world’s main sponsor of tyranny.
I recently found this book on the history of China fascinating: -
China has the world’s oldest more or less continuous civilisation. It has undergone many cataclysmic implosions and changes of regime over the millennia, but it has always rebuilt itself on exactly the same Bronze Age political principles with which it continues to govern itself to this day. In this system, most of the power lies with The Emperor and The Imperial Bureaucracy. Aristocracy did not feature strongly; lords, barons, and rich merchants did not hold much power. The gentry of Chinese society consisted mainly of Mandarins, upward social mobility mainly lay through bureaucratic service.
The system has always depended on a massive effort of information gathering and information control to achieve taxation and regulation, and hence behaviour control.
The Chinese Mandarin or Scribal Class has persisted for thousands of years, and it has always cravenly collaborated to provide a Bureaucracy to whichever warlord or political manipulator became Emperor of China. The Scribal Class simply morphed into a Party Organization that provided Bureaucratic collaboration to communist emperors and now provides it to post-communist emperors.
The advent of modern electronic information technology has immensely strengthened the hand of the Chinese bureaucratic tyranny. It can now maintain real time surveillance on all its citizen’s movements, contacts, and behaviour, and it eagerly exports this technology to any regime that wants to use it. Cell-phone monitoring and facial recognition technology along with complete state control of the media have provided the Chinese dictatorship with more resources for thought control than George Orwell dreamed of in his seminal and prescient novel ‘1984’.
Information technology itself seems to lead us towards a future where the major conflicts will occur between democracies with relatively free information architectures and tyrannies with repressive information architectures.
Plainly, quite a lot of things in Quantum Field Theory do not add up very well. Not only does the whole field of Quantum Chromodynamics concerning quarks and gluons look conceptually tortuous and a mathematical mess, but even Quantum Electrodynamics which concerns electromagnetic and weak forces and particles now comes into question. In particular we currently have calculated results for the mass of the W Boson and the g-2 spin of the Muon that do not match the experimentally measured values.
It rather looks like the calculations have missed the contributions made by the presence of extra particles that we have not yet recognised. Within the 3-dimensional time model under development here at Arcanorium College, the full suite of weak force interacting bosons could consist of: -
The putative X17 Boson may have already appeared in the decay of Beryllium 8.
In a similar vein, the 3-dimensional time model suggests an additional meson type particle and field intermediating the inter-nucleon forces, this putative ‘Y’ Boson may also play a part. It could if produced, decay into any possible particle-antiparticle pair, rather as the supposed Higgs Boson does, yet unlike the Higgs it would not confer mass on other particles.
Magical Books.
The proofs and the cover designs for the following two titles have arrived: -
Liber Null & Psychonaut by Peter J Carroll. Classic Edition with upgrades and additions, from publishers Red-Wheel Weisers.
Interview with a Wizard- Ian Blumberg-Enge interviews Peter J Carroll. 365 Questions on magical, esoteric, biographic, scientific, and other topics, with an extended appendix on the hyperspherical universe, from publishers Mandrake of Oxford.
Images and full details will appear here within weeks, as soon as publication occurs.
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- Hits: 6988
Aprblog 2022
Putin’s War
Marxism will go down in history as a profound tragedy because it allowed autarchy to survive industrialisation. Industrialisation generally and gradually brought democracy in its wake except where the dictatorship of the proletariat triumphed. The dictatorship of the proletariat inevitably meant dictatorship by elements of the middle classes. Tsars became replaced by Commie-Tsars in both Russia and China; authoritarianism and repression continued under new management, democracy did not get a look in. Marxism survives now only in North Korea and in half-hearted form in a few third world tinpot dictatorships.
Having found that Marxist economics simply could not compete with the economies of democratic states, both China and Russia eventually abandoned it in favour of crony-capitalism and nationalism whilst preserving the machinery of dictatorship. In effect they reinvented a form of neo-feudalism or fascism. The poor in both Russia and China lead very impoverished lives compared to people in democratic industrial societies. The autocrats in charge of the Chinese and Russian dictatorships live in fear of their own people and rely on repression, militarism, and war or threat of war to maintain their positions. They attain their positions through naked power struggle and then must maintain it to survive. They cannot retire, their only way out lies in a box.
Putin has launched a vicious war in Ukraine to strengthen his grip over his own politically fragile and economically weak country and in this he seems to have catastrophically underestimated how much resistance he would face from his intended victims and from the free world.
A month ago, I requested that the world’s magicians conjure to ‘Turn the people closest to Putin against him’.
My thanks for the excellent response. Remember that for best results in magic we need to Divine Short and Enchant Long, so keep those spells and rituals coming and widen the definition of ‘closest’ to include more of Putin’s diminishing group of supporters.
Europe will only become free of oppression and war when the Russian autocracy falls, and Russia becomes a democracy. The unpopular dictatorship of Belarus will not survive without support from Russian autocracy. The fall of Putin’s regime will contribute greatly to this. President Biden has shown statesmanship and a grasp of political reality in encouraging revolt against Putin.
The last piece of the Hypersphere Cosmology jigsaw puzzle finally fell into place. The observed distribution of quasars has always been interpreted strong evidence for galactic evolution following a big bang origin for this observed universe. Most of the observed quasars seem extremely distant and hence we see light from them that left them billions of years ago. Hence theorists concluded that quasar behaviour mainly arose during the early development of galaxies.
Hypersphere Cosmology asserts that we inhabit a universe finite and unbounded in time and space and that we will observe galaxies at all stages of evolution spread across all of time and space.
Why then do we observe quasar galaxies mainly at very great distances?
We can only observe a quasar if the beam coming out of one of the poles of its black hole happens to point directly towards us, and as galaxies lie randomly orientated in space this becomes a very unlikely occurrence. However, the small positive curvature of the hypersphere of the universe increases the probability of a quasar beam becoming ‘tilted’ in our direction and the probability increases exponentially with distance.
See the full paper here: -
The Occultaris parts 1 & 2. The secrets of the universe.
Many years ago, it became apparent that cosmologists had made a serious mistake in interpreting cosmological redshift as recession velocity and creating a hypothetical big bang. Whilst I worked on the problem the big bang the theory became ever more baroque with the addition of hypothetical dark energy and dark matter and cosmic inflation. A more elegant solution in the form of Hypersphere Cosmology gradually emerged. Two key insights allowed its development, firstly that a small positive spacetime curvature in the form of a deceleration A, where 2GM/L2 = A, would redshift light traveling across a hyperspherical universe in proportion to distance, and secondly that the (generally ignored) Godel metric W = 2sqrt(piGp) describes the inside of any hypersphere including the universe itself and the inside of a black hole in the reference frame of an internal observer. This rather than the Schwarzschild metric for the interior of a black hole in the reference frame of an exterial observer provides the key to a stable non-expanding universe and black holes which do not contain singularities. All this constitutes The Occultaris part one, which radically revises our entire metaphysical and ontological view of the universe, our place within it, and the probability of highly intelligent life having developed elsewhere in a universe without temporal boundaries.
The Occultaris part two remains a work in progress. It aims to clarify the awesome theoretical and conceptual confusion in our understanding of the quantum realm underlying reality.
Whatever mechanisms account for the phenomena of magic in this universe probably have their origins in the properties and behaviour of the quanta.
The current official Quantum Field Theory implies twenty six fundamental fields, twelve quarks, eight gluons, an irreconcilable wave particle duality, virtual particles with seemingly arbitrary properties, non-locality, and an underling spacetime metric which contradicts relativity. Moreover, a lot of the maths looks like a mere descriptive formalism that gives no clue as to the underlying ontology, and the ‘maths’ of quarks and gluons looks very dodgy and has little predictive power. The standard model also requires a Higg’s Boson to satisfy parts of its abstract mathematical scheme and at vast expense some unconvincing evidence has been manufactured for this but not everybody seems persuaded of its reality. The standard model of Quantum Field Theory does not include gravity, and the whole edifice looks like a phlogiston rich ad hoc mess. Where did it perhaps start to go wrong?
Perhaps the photon does NOT constitute the quantum of the electromagnetic field. In support of this heretical and blasphemous idea note that: -
1) Photons do not carry electromagnetic charges, nor do they cause changes in the electromagnetic charges of the particles they interact with. They merely carry spin and momentum and transfer these between the particles they interact with.
2) Photons do become exchanged between electromagnetically charged particles and we can cause their emission by manipulating charged particles and measure their absorption by the movement of charged particles, but all matter particles except neutrinos carry charges anyway if we include neutrons as carrying both positive and negative charges simultaneously, and neutrinos travel at lightspeed anyway, so we should not expect them to exchange photons in any easily observable way.
3) Photons interact equally strongly with protons and neutrons but less strongly with electrons which carry the same magnitude of charge as protons.
4) Maxwell’s equations describe electric and magnetic fields adequately but combining them to create moving electromagnetic waves does not actually yield the observed properties of photons whose energy depends on their frequency rather than on the intensity of the waves.
5) Neither electric or magnetic fields deflect photons despite that photons supposedly consist of oscillating electric and magnetic fields.
6) Spin-spin forces between particles have profound effects that effectively constitute another fundamental force in nature. Electrons form strongly bonded spin-antispin pairs in atomic orbitals and in semiconductor Cooper pairs. Nucleons also pair up very strongly in atomic nuclei and this contributes greatly to the nuclear binding energy.
If we consider photons as particle-antiparticle pairs that consist of and carry only units of spin and momentum in a Transactional Exchange, then we can explain not only their behaviour but also the Entanglement they create between matter particles. Moreover, the Graviton appears naturally as a consequence of this scheme. Photons increase the field between matter particles and give rise to exclusively repulsive effects, both emitter and absorber recoil. Gravitons create a diminution of the spin fields between particles to create exclusively attractive effects. Gravitons must have a much lower energy threshold for their creation than Photons, yet their very ease of creation allows them to dominate the large scale structure of the cosmos and creates a web of universal entanglement.
Lithonian Flotilla.
This year’s first visit to our hideaway on a remote Welsh shore provided an opportunity to reopen the Lithonian spaceship yards after the Memsahib found another scrap of ceramic insulation block washed up on the beach. The addition of a few vape components, bits of defunct electric razors and assorted metal scraps has led to the eighth vessel in the flotilla. Lithonian aesthetics decree that only stone and metal go into these vessels. We bin all the damn washed up plastic we can find and carry.
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Putin’s War.
We interrupt the usual monthly flow of these blogs with an emergency appeal.
Following positive feedback from around the world - This following message is released for circulation by any available means. Circulate to all possible sympathisers and allies in all esoteric traditions.
Knights of Chaos Ukraine Campaign 2022.
The KoC calls upon all magicians everywhere to join in magical attacks to: -
Turn the people closest to Putin against him.
We wish to see him disobeyed and restrained or assassinated by his own people.
To this end we call upon volunteers to circulate intelligence about, and images of, those believed to have close connections to Putin for use as Magical Links.
We call upon volunteers to create and circulate rituals and spell procedures for individual and synchronised workings.
We call upon volunteers to launch magical attacks to ‘Turn the people closest to Putin against him’ on an irregular psi-warfare basis using a variety of techniques at unpredictable times and from many locations.
We bestow an honorary knighthood of chaos on all volunteers for the duration of the campaign.
Stokastikos, Acting Marshal KoC, Chancellor of Arcanorium College.
This war in Ukraine was started by One Man who does not enjoy the unqualified support of his associates or his country’s population. He appears to have become deluded, and the situation may deteriorate even further if he is not stopped. We seem to have a clear case here where intervention against a single individual can make a world of difference.
Conjure individually and/or involve friends, allies, and associates for larger workings. Spread the message.
The BBC has very helpfully provided details and images of some of Putin’s inner circle: -
UPDATE. My thanks to all magicians from around the world who have volunteered, we seem to have raised a great many wands to the cause of stopping Putin.
Putin is losing this idiotic war due to the heroic resistance of the Ukrainians and the support from much of the rest of the world. He cannot possibly hope to conquer Ukraine now and it becomes increasingly crucial that his own people turn against him and prevent him from worsening the humanitarian catastrophe that he has engineered.
Thus, continue conjuring repeatedly to: -
Turn the people closest to Putin against him.
Since the fall of the Soviet empire the Russian state has become a presidential dictatorship under Putin. Without even the ideology of communism to justify it, the Russian state apparatus has concocted a bizarre ‘anti-fascist’ narrative to sustain itself. Yet it has adopted all the characteristics of the fascism it claims to oppose: - presidential dictatorship, crony capitalism, militarism, repression, the subjugation of the individual to the state, and a leadership that has placed itself above the law. Repression indicates weakness not strength.
Undermine Putin and the fall of this Last Czar may yet lead to a democracy in Russia.