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After a hard days slaving over esoteric and scientific texts in search of the secrets and equations of the universe I sometimes like to do stuff with my hands, so herewith, with apologies to HP Lovecraft and Eric von Daniken, a lighearted sculpture called 'Flying Sorcery', Fimo Elder Gods, Milliput Obelisk, Saucer in wood.
Maybe we should regard the Elder Gods as Lovecraft's personified premonitions about the powers that await us as we develop as a sentient race, such premonitions certainly scared the hell out of him, but perhaps we should regard them as challenges which we must confront eventually.
Lovecraft’s ‘Elder Gods’ have dangerous Promethean and Luciferian types of knowledge, knowledge with which we could easily destroy ourselves: - Direct power over the mind and the brain itself, power over the core processes of biology, the power of creating life and physical immortality, the understanding of the strange and secret geometries of the universe at both the cosmic and quantum levels, and the power to manipulate them, the powers of chaos and of creation itself
In response to requests for clarification of the previous post I append a brief extract from the forthcomming Esotericon:
Crowley joined the Golden Dawn and learned its system and accepted Mather’s teachings, but soon the considerably younger, richer, and more egocentric and aggressive Crowley broke with it. He published the core text underlying the entire system as his own work titled Liber 777. It seems that he merely added a small number of columns to the scholarly masterpiece that Mathers had spent years assembling and had kindly lent him. Crowley also slandered Mathers as an alcoholic in the introduction, an accusation not corroborated by anyone else who knew him, and Mathers by now moved in a circle of voluble literary figures.
Crowley added sex and drugs to the repertoire of techniques that the mystic or magician could use to attain altered states of consciousness, although these techniques had plenty of precedents in Shamanism and Tantra, but he never added any magical theory or attempted to tamper with the underlying PPM (Platonic Pagan-Monotheist) metaphysics. In the end he created a middlebrow misogynistic Victorian neo-satanism by simply replacing the solar based monotheism of PPM with a solar Satanism of the beast 666 by reversing all the usual ideas.
Thus he replaced the doctrine of Original Sin with his doctrine of True Will, he substituted Self Indulgence for Self Sacrifice, and he replaced Christ with the Crowned and Conquering Spoiled Brat of the Aeon of Horus. His theory of three Aeons, of Isis, Osiris, and Horus derived from Victorian anthropological fantasies about an ancient matriarchal female dominated Aeon which later research has thoroughly discredited. It would seem that until very recently the more brutal and bullying male has pretty much had his own way for all of history and pre-history. Nevertheless Crowley seems to have enjoyed himself, mainly at the expense of others, and his ideas continue to appeal to those who like him, grew up in a Christian household and then rebelled.
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Having recieved initiation into the most august of western esotericism's linneages on my birthday at full moon in the year of my second saturn return, I feel imbued with sufficient MacGregorian zeal and fire to avenge the theft of Liber 777 by bringing the middlebrow victorian misogynist neo-satanism of the aeon of the crowned and conquering spoilt brat to a belated close in its 108th year. The TW belief has never given good results in my view, and I have opposed it throughout my career. Later in the year I shall take the opportunity afforded by a visit to Loch Ness to close the relevant demon gate, doing my bit to make 2012 a year of seminal changes, hopefully for the better.
The Esotericon & Portals of Chaos project proceeds apace with the first 13 items of artwork and the initial chapter nearing completion.
To prevent further imposture and mistaken identity I may exhibit the above item, fashiond by my own hand, upon request to serious enquirers to confirm my identity, the grain structure visible even at this resolution should prove more difficult to forge than any signature or fingerprint.
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I remain unconvinced by the possible sniff of the Higgs at Cern. If they have found that they can make something fleeting which decays into a couple of Z bosons or into top and antitop quarks this would seem to prove no more than that such configurations have a slight stability. It doesn't mean that such things give other particles mass. General Relativity provides a pretty good explanation of the existence of mass already in terms of spacetime curvature. I still think we would do better to geometricate the quanta rather than quantise gravity, it would only require 3D time. I remain prepared to eat the relevant pages of the Apophenion if wrong, and I'll up the bet by adding the relevant pages of the Octavo also.
Herewith my seasonal gift, a recipie for Solstice Cake, it has already undergone field trials at Eisteddfod without casualties.
Mix together 7 oz margarine, 12 oz muscovado light sugar, 3 eggs, 1lb wholemeal self raising flour, 5 fl oz buttermilk, 14 oz of a mix of sultanas, raisins, and currants. Bake for 3.5 hrs at gas mk 1.
Adorn with marzipan symbols of the elements using 3D versions of the tatwas. Paint with vegetable based food colourings. Pierce each quarter repeatedly with a cocktail stick and pour in appropriate liquors to each quarter.
Serve with the red tetrahedron orientated south, (or north in the southern hemisphere, in which case you may have to switch water and air also).
A merry Mithrasmass, Solstice, Saturnalia, Peak-Oil, Eurocrisis, or whatever you celebrate.
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Two groups have always understood the principle that you can only have one government per currency.
The Synarchist faction of the european political class have always sought to forge a non-democratic oilgarchical United Synarchy of Europe for their own advantage, and they have used the single currency to try and force political union in through the back door whilst pretending otherwise.
Euroskeptics have of course understood this as well, and they have fought an uphill battle to expose the Synarchist agenda which devolves from the thinking of Yves saint D'Alveydre who wanted government by a shadowy unelected cabal of 'people who know best' that controlled all aspects of the life of the populace. (see Wizards Against Tyranny paper on this site)
The european union does not exist for the benefit of the european people, it exists for the benefit of a section of the european political class that would prefer to enjoy the delights of self-perpetuating arbitary power without the occasional inconvenience of facing an electorate.
The current financial crisis has come a little too early for comfort for the Synarchists, it has become all too apparent that any nation which trades its political freedom for financial gain will end up loosing both. Neither Greece nor Italy now has a properly elected government, each now has a junta of EU approved eurocrats in charge and years of political slavery and austerity ahead unless they have the guts to default.
The British have for centuries understood that the strength of europe lay in its diversity and for centuries British foreign policy has centered on denying anyone hegemony on the continent, not Phillip of Spain, not Napoleon, not Hitler, and now not Merkozy in cahoots with all those unelected Euro-Mandarins whose names and faces and roles hardly anyone knows.
Finally after some decades of appeasement we (apart from a few illiberal dimocrats) have finally had the guts to say no. This will hurt for a while as the whole corrupt rotten synarchist edifice of the EU crumbles, but a few points off gross domestic product for a while seems a small price to pay for the freedom to run our own country. We probably won't now have to trudge wearily down to Dover with our longbows or muskets yet again, thank goodness.
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Organised Chaos
Imagine that you wished to establish a magical order so that people could come together to practise and explore a new type of magic.
You would need people to take on various administrative and organisational responsibilities.
You would need to establish a system of magical progress and attainment in this new type of magic.
At the beginning you would have insufficient human resources to accomplish this at a stroke so you would have to make a compromise: -
To establish a structure you would have to give out positions that represented both administrative and magical roles and responsibilities, somehow fudged together.
Thus your organisation would begin as a de-facto Oligarchy and the means by which people acquired various grades and responsibilities would remain far from transparent.
Eventually the organisation would require reform as it began to suffer the strains of members becoming disaffected with the obviously fudged grade structure that it needed to get it started.
The required reforms would simply separate administrative from magical positions and give proper definition and credibility to each, thus: -
A) Administrative positions would become subject to periodic democratic election, thus giving them a Proper Mandate. (Even though where electorates remain small and friendly one would expect most elections to pass unopposed).
M) Magical grades would become subject to peer review, with at least some independent review from someone in a distant temple, and grade awards would depend on the completion of an agreed program of work at minimum, plus other work of choice. This would restore to such traditional grade terms as Initiate, Adept, and Magus, a Proper Recognition of Merit and Accomplishment.
Reform always brings some pain and sacrifice and some hard work, but complacency kills eventually.
Any order which does not move onto Phase 2 of organisational structure will remain hamstrung by the Oligarchical fudges used to create it, and suffer from disaffections amongst its members which keep it small and fractious.
Peter J Carroll.