Arcanorium CollegeCollege News and Views

Friday, 10 January 2020 17:40

Arcanorium College

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                                          Arcanorium College

                                   Interroga Omnia Question all things.


Arcanorium College consists of a Natural Philosophy Faculty with two Departments: -


The Department of Magic consists of a teaching facility which freely offers a Baccalaureate in Magic, specifically in Chaos Magic, to worthy candidates.  


The Department of Science consists of a rebel research facility which invites collaborators already well versed in Particle/Quantum and/or Cosmological Physics.


Peter James Carroll, BSc, IOT 00, Author, Magician, and Retired Entrepreneur, acts as Chancellor of the College and Moderator of both Departments.

Read 9250 times Last modified on Wednesday, 22 January 2020 16:38
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