3 Dimensional TimeKeys to Quanta

Wednesday, 12 January 2022 13:42

Quantum Principle of Relativity

Quantum Principle of Relativity

This recent paper by Andrzej Dragan and Artur Ekert : -


appears to derive some of the basic strangeness of quantum mechanics from a consideration of the conventionally discarded superluminal (faster than light) solutions of Special Relativity. In particular, the Lorentz transformations suggest that in a superluminal reference frame, the dimensional signatures undergo sign reversal changing space into time and time into space.

The Dragan & Ekert paper also suggests that incorporating both the subluminal and superluminal reference frames explains the apparent indeterminacy, the multiple paths, and the Huygens wavefront phenomena of quantum mechanics, whilst positing additional time-like dimensions. 

Now the Transactional Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics similarly does not discard the Advanced Wave solutions to Maxwell’s equations of electromagnetism, and it explains quantum mechanics in terms of advanced waves traveling ‘superluminally’ backwards in time and retarded waves traveling forwards in time.

Some interpretations of quantum mechanics describe antiparticles as time-reversed particles, and bosons as particle-antiparticle pairs.

A full inclusion of frames of reference on both sides of the lightspeed barrier seems to lead to a Six-Dimensional Quantum Spacetime.

Spacetime Metric, where  + = space,  - = time.

                                                              Dimensions (Minkowski)                      

Subluminal Retarded Wave (R)             +R  +R  +R  -R   (3 space, 1 time)

Superluminal Advanced Wave (A)        +A   -A   -A  -A  (1 space, 3 time)


Overall result (Subluminal reference frame)

Space,  1, +R +A,   Direction of travel, forwards or backwards. X axis.

Space,  2,   +R. Orthogonal to direction of travel. Y axis.

Space,  3,   +R, Orthogonal to direction of travel. Z axis.

Time,    1,  -R -A, Direction of travel, forwards or backwards.

Time,    2,   -A, Orthogonal to ordinary time, imaginary time or ‘pseudo-space’.

Time,    3,   -A,  Orthogonal to ordinary time, imaginary time or ‘pseudo-space’.

Further, it is interesting to note that within the subluminal reference frame only quanta carrying imaginary time pseudo spatial spins 2 and 3, responsible for electric and nuclear charges, have mass and sub-lightspeed velocities, whilst photons and neutrinos which lack these spins always travel at lightspeed.

Work continues........

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